
The working educational program is based on the standard of professional
(vocational-technical) education for the profession 5141 Manicurist, approved by
the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated March 4, 2019, No. 297,
on a module-competency basis.


  • Know: the concept of information and information technologies; programs for
    creating text documents, multimedia presentations, and publications;
    general information about local and global computer networks.

  • Be able to: create and edit text documents; work with
    computer presentations and publications; conduct searches in the
    global computer network; use email.

  • Know: the characteristics of raw materials used for the production of
    perfumery and cosmetic products; general notions of perfumery and
    cosmetics; the structure and types of hand skin, the structure, types, and types of the nail bed
    and nail plate; types, quality requirements for cosmetic products for
    skin and nail care; modern methods of disinfecting tools in
    hairdressing salons; types, composition, and names of disinfectants and hemostatic
    agents; types of auxiliary materials used during
    manicure works.

Competence Table Regarding Educational Subjects



General professional block Education time budget – 141 hours.


General professional training – 44 hours.

Professional-theoretical training – 85 hours.

Professional-practical training – 12 hours.

If you have any questions, go to the contact form and leave a request or find answers in the working program 

Finished works of our graduates after completing the course

History and interesting facts

The profession of a manicurist has a long history that spans several centuries. In Ancient Egypt and China, women painted their nails with natural dyes to emphasize their status. However, professional hand and nail care as a separate field began to develop at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. During this time, the first beauty salons appeared, where manicures became a popular procedure among high-class women. With the development of the beauty industry, the profession of manicurist became an integral part of the modern world, and today it is one of the most common and sought-after specialties in the field of body care.

Interesting facts:


Fast recovery: Fingernails grow about 3 mm per month, and toenails – 1 mm. This means that regular manicures help maintain a well-groomed appearance.

Creative profession: Manicurists not only take care of the nails, but also show great creativity by creating different designs, drawings, and even 3D effects on the nails.

Psychological effect: The manicure procedure can act as therapy. It promotes relaxation and mood improvement, giving clients time for themselves and the opportunity to feel cared for.

Men’s manicures: Although the majority of nail salon customers are women, men’s manicures are also gaining popularity. It includes the care of nails and the skin of the hands, and also emphasizes neatness and a well-groomed appearance.

Nails as an indicator of health: Manicurists can often notice changes in the condition of nails that may indicate certain health problems. For example, brittle or discolored nails can be signs of vitamin deficiency or blood circulation problems.

Many techniques: Today, there is a huge number of manicure techniques: from classic edged to hardware and even Japanese. Each technique has its own characteristics and is suitable for different types of nails and customer wishes.

Manicure is safe: When performed correctly, manicure is an absolutely safe procedure. Specialists always use sterile instruments, adhere to sanitary standards and use skin and nail care products.

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